Monday, May 23, 2016

Airships and Skycutters

Typical Airships are modified sea-faring vessels fastened to an enchanted balloon that allows it to fly.
The Asandari Republic is typically the only owner of airships, but a few have recently been sold to wealthy individuals. The majority of Asandari airships are for military use, most civilian travel is done by locomotive or on horseback.

Skycutters, the newest model of Asandari airship require no balloon, are safer by far than the conventional model, and are able to travel at much higher speeds. They usually are styled like a normal sea-faring vessel, complete with sails, but this not always the case, nor is it necessary.
Airships and Skycutters are both armed with the latest and greatest artillery, and crewed by the Asandari military's best. 

Airships are able to go twenty miles per hour, while Skycutters max out at around sixty miles per hour.

In game terms, an airship or a skycutter's main cannon would do 10+XD damage, and the gunner would use the Airship Gunnery Skill to aim. For example: Caex Delnhome has 3 Skill Points in Airship Gunnery and 3 Stat Points in Speed. To aim, he would roll 6D. If he hits his target, it would deal 10+3D. If the character also has Skill Points in Cannon, he may add half his Skill Dice (rounded down, minimum of 1D) into both aim and damage for the Airship Cannons. In Caex's case, where he has 4 Skill Points in Cannon, he would now roll 8D to attack, and 10+6D for damage.

New Skills:
Airship Piloting (Speed): You are able to pilot an airship.
Target Numbers:
Quick Lift Off: TN 5
Landing on Ground: TN 10
Landing in Water: TN 0
Docking at Tower: TN 5
Quick Bank: TN 15
Evasive Maneuver: TN 20

Airship Gunnery (Speed): You are able to use this skill to fire airship cannons.

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