Sunday, May 29, 2016

Asandari Tanks

With war being a constant threat from both the east and the north, the Asandari military have expended resources beyond the Republics ability to pay. The results? Crippling debt and tanks, skycutters, mechs, and Firearms.
The Asandari military unveiled the Manticore class tank this summer, and other classes are in development.
This brings us a couple new skills, which we will present now.

Tank Driving (speed) Tank Repair (smarts) and Tank Gunnery (speed)

Manticore Tank:
Health: 80
Resilience Rating: +10
Defense: -10
Main Gun: 20+XD (where x is skill points in Tank Gunnery) Note: Must have at least one skill point in Tank Driving.
Strength: Takes half damage from fire.
Weakness: Takes double damage from lightning damage.

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