Tuesday, May 24, 2016


New Skills (Must have at least one Stat Point in Magic):

Manifesting (Magic)
Elemental (Magic)
Positive Energy (Magic)
Negative Energy (Magic)

Manifeting Skill TN: 10
Effect: Raises Armor Rating by 5 plus 1d6 per skill point in 
SFX: Most common is a shimmering azure force field that surrounds the mage, but they can also be invisible, or any color/density the mage wishes. 

Manifesting Skill TN: 20
Effect: Using latent matter, the mage causes a massive explosion. Damage is 10 plus 1d6 per skill point in Manifesting.
SFX: Most common is a normal seeming explosion, but some mages opt to use more dramatic imagery, like starbursts or green smoke.

Manifesting Skill TN: 5-20
Effect: The mage creates a clone of someone they have seen before. The more intimately the mage knows the subject, the better the clone will look. This power also scales. The lower the TN the less real the clone looks. Sometimes eyes will be different colors, or if the mage was distracted, different shapes. Sometimes the skin will look like wax. On the higher end of the scale, the clone can be flawless and only a close friend or lover can (sometimes) tell the difference. 
SFX: While able to manifest clones out of thin air, some mages with a flair for the dramatic conjure bright lights or "doorways" to summon their clones. 

Magic Weapon 
Manifesting Skill TN: 5-15
Effect: The mage creates a weapon out of latent matter and is able to wield it. The lower end of the skill TN conjures simple bludgeoning weapons like clubs, hammers, or a mace, while the higher end of the spectrum conjures firearms or energy weapons. Mid range are bladed weapons like swords or axes. 
SFX: Most times the mage will create a weapon that looks like its actual counterpart. Sometimes, mages will stylize these weapons to look like something out of their imaginations.

Animate Object
Manifesting Skill TN- 10 or 20.
Effect: The mage will be able to animate any object, causing it to move on its own accord. On a TN 10, the mage must concentrate on the object and may take no other actions while concentrating. On a 20, the object will carry out demands.

Azure Fire:
Elemental Skill TN: 5
Effect: Blue bolts of fire shoot from the caster's hands, dealing 2+XD damage. 

Elemental Skill TN: 15
Effect: The mage is able to conjure a ball of superheated plasma within thirty feet of himself. This detonates, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental to all creatures and structures within 20 feet of the detonation point.

Lightning Cloud.
Elemental Skill TN: 15
Effect: Crackling with electricity, a cloud of lightning manifests around an opponent, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental or 20 damage plus 2d6 per skill point in Elemental against an opponent wearing metal armor, or made of metal

Ice Storm:
Elemental Skill TN: 15
Effect: Razor sharp shards of ice launch themselves at an enemy, causing 10 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental.

Acidic Wave:
Elemental Skill TN: 15
Effect: The opponent is splashed with corrosive acid, causing 1 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Elemental per round for 1d6/2 rounds per skill point in Elemental. Eats through all but the strongest body armors, reducing the armors effect on RR by half. 

Vampire's Kiss
Negative Energy Skill TN: 10
Effects: By touching the opponent's bare skin, the psychic is able to drain 3 plus 1d6 per skill point in Negative Energy, adding half that number (rounded down) to their health pool. The bonus health points last for minutes equal to your skill points in Negative Energy. Example: If you have two skill points in Negative Energy, you lose any extra health points in two minutes.

Life Drain:
Negative Energy Skill TN: 15
Effects: A tendril of black and sickly green light connects you and your opponent. Your opponent takes 1 damage plus 1d6 per skill point in Negative Energy while you gain half that number to your health pool for the next x rounds, where is the number of skill points in Negative Energy you have.

Void Star:
Negative Energy Skill TN: 30
Effects: A miniature black hole is created at anyplace within 100 feet from the psychic, and everything that implies. The black hole is open for 1 round plus 1 round per skill point in Negative energy. The psychic is not immune to the effects of the black hole. If Void Star is placed on an opponent, that opponent is killed instantly. If an opponent is within 20 feet, it must make a defense check with a TN of difficult or very difficult if within 10 feet to move away from the Void Star.

Light Burst:
Positive Energy Skill TN: 10
Effects: Heals every creature within 10 feet of the caster 5 plus 1d6 per skill point in Positive Energy.

Healing Wave
Positive Energy Skill TN: 15
Effects: Heals a creature within 30 feet of the psychic for 5 plus 1d6 per skill point in Positive Energy for x rounds where x is skill points in Positive Energy.

Positive Energy Skill TN: 30
Effects: Brings a deceased creature back to life.

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