Sunday, May 29, 2016


Mechs, machines made of iron and glass, powered by steam and magic, are a very new advancement in the Republican military. Most require one pilot, but the gargantuan Gargoyle Class requires two, one pilot, and one gunner.
Mechs are extremely expensive to manufacture, and as of right now are very rare. Only the Drake class Mechs are light enough to ride on airships.

Drake Class:
Health: 50
Resilience Rating: +3
Defense: -2
Speed: land: 10 squares air: 20 squares
Main Gun: 8+XD (where x is skill points in heavy Ranged weapon or heavy firearm) Note: Must have at least one skill point in Mech Piloting.
Strength: Takes half damage from fire.
Weakness: Takes double damage from lightning damage.

Wyvern Class
Health: 75
Resilience Rating: +5
Defense: -5
Speed: land: 10 squares air: 30 squares
Main Gun: 12+XD (where x is skill points in heavy Ranged weapon or heavy firearm) Note: Must have at least one skill point in Mech Piloting.
Sword: 6+XD (where x is skill points in heavy melee)
Strength: Takes half damage from fire.
Weakness: Takes double damage from lightning damage.

Dragon Class
Health: 100
Resilience Rating: +8
Defense: -8
Speed:  land: 15 squares air: 40 squares
Main Gun: 20+XD (where x is skill points in heavy Ranged weapon or heavy firearm) Note: Must have at least one skill point in Mech Piloting.
Flame Thrower: 10+XD to target square and 4 squares surrounding target square. (Where x is skill points in heavy Ranged Weapons) again, must have at least a skill point in Mech Piloting.
Strength: Takes half damage from fire.
Weakness: Takes double damage from lightning damage.

Gargoyle Class:
Health: 150
Resilience Rating: +15
Defense: -15
Main Gun: 45+XD (where x is skill points in heavy Ranged weapon or heavy firearm) Note: Must have at least one skill point in Mech Piloting.
Strength: Takes half damage from fire.
Weakness: Takes double damage from lightning damage.

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