Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Sundered Sword, a Company of the Twelfth Legion

The Sundered Sword is a special operations company of the Twelfth Legion of the Asandari Military. They are a highly trained, highly experienced squad, often sent on precise in-and-out operations. They once served under the command of First Sword Striker, who was killed at the Shattered Throne while preventing the resurrection of the Serpent, a god of unrelenting evil and chaos.
They are an unconventional squad, led by one Isien Helmsguard, call sign Crippler. They have a priest of Sereneth, as well as an undead raised by Mykeheth himself.
They have ownership of the Skycutter Harbinger, and report directly to the Oversword of the Twelfth, Dethek Sar'mein and to him only.

Members of the Sundered Sword

lance-reddick-by-Phoenixx[206352].jpgIsien Helmsguard:
Call Sign: Crippler
First Sword of Spec Ops team Sundered Sword, a company of the Twelfth.
Born in Syro; joined the Republic military at sixteen to escape poverty.
Weapon of choice: Jaheeri Revolver
Back up weapon: Rapier and dagger.
Trained: Bastion.
Fought against the demons of the north, had a hand in preventing the rise of the Serpent to prevent a second godswar. Promoted to First Sword after his commander, call sign Striker, died in battle at the Shattered Throne.

tumblr_inline_nds85irNIG1rprfgq.png Chaul
Call Sign: None
Blade of Spec Ops team Sundered Sword, a company of the Twelfth.
Born in the Gray Wastes to the Chath Tribe. Joined the Republic at the age of maturity.
Weapon of choice: Battle Axe
Back up weapon: Jaheeri Revolver, hatchet.
Trained: Algazan
Was stationed at the gateway to the Silg Expanse until he was relocated to Puhrel. After the city’s destruction, he was sworn into the Sundered Sword, and fought at the battle at the Shattered Throne.

thief_cover_pitch_by_i_guyjin_i-d7ktix9.jpgTrelan D’ami
Call Sign: Maimer
Blade of Spec Ops team Sundered Sword, a company of the Twelfth.
Born in Tyrus, joined the military at seventeen after his sister joined the Serenethi priesthood.
Weapon of choice: Shadow Daggers
Back up weapon: Magic
Fell in battle at the Western Waystation to a Serpent Priest, was resurrected by the god of undeath Mykeheth as both an instrument of battle, and also as a joke on his sister, Sereneth. Fought in the battle at the Shattered Throne. Is able to Shadow Walk and instinctively knows the best way to kill any particular person.

granado_espada_s09.jpgJesalyra Aul’diera
Call Sign: Quiet
Artillerist of Spec Ops team Sundered Sword, a company of the Twelfth
Born in Tyrus, joined the Republic military at twenty two when her father was caught bribing local officials and hanged.
Weapon of Choice: Jaheeri Rifle
Back up weapon: Jaheeri Revolver
Served under First Sword Striker, fought at the battle at the Shattered Throne. Has been developing her own style of revolver, one that houses more than the standard three slugs of the Republican revolver.

d9ff35ee9c32d98f31b62e25b890c94e.jpgSyye Kael’shan
Call Sign: Hesitate
Mage of the Spec Ops team Sundered Sword, a company of the Twelfth.
Born in Tyrus, joined the Republic Academy at sixteen.
Weapon of Choice: Asandari Staff
Back up weaon: Jaheeri revolver.
Served under First Sword Striker, fought in the battle at the Shattered Throne. Watched her beloved, Isor, die under the claws and jaw of a Mardagayl.

Call Sign: Medic
Priest of Sereneth, and honorary member of the Spec Ops team Sundered Sword
Born in Puhrel, trained in Seren.
Weapon of Choice: Club
Back up Weapon: Jaheeri Revolver

One of the only living priests to meet the goddess Sereneth, he was an important player in the prevention of the Rise of the Serpent and the second godswar.

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